
Reuse Strategy

The background

Rijkswaterstaat, the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, is working on climate-neutral and circular infrastructure. Reuse is an important element of this. Working together with Witteveen+Bos, Copper8 established a Reuse Strategy Recommendation (Advies Strategie Hergebruik), with which we are helping Rijkswaterstaat make decisions about the reuse of components and organize materials in their assets.


Rijkswaterstaat, the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, is working on climate-neutral and circular infrastructure. Reuse is an important element of this. Working together with Witteveen+Bos, Copper8 established a Reuse Strategy Recommendation (Advies Strategie Hergebruik), with which we are helping Rijkswaterstaat make decisions about the reuse of components and organize materials in their assets.

The question

Support us with the establishment of a Reuse Strategy, to determine which decisions we need to make internally in order to structurally reuse components and materials. Help us by providing insight into the impact of reuse, the most important developments in the market, and the conditions we must arrange.

Current situation and future

Reusing components and materials structurally requires more than just designing, building and demolishing assets differently. It also requires a broader organizational change, including a change in the distribution of risk between Rijkswaterstaat and market parties. Projects also need to be directed differently. The recommendation should address these various required changes.

The process

Witteveen+Bos carried out the sustainability impact analysis. To determine the organizational conditions and required interventions, we arranged a number of expert sessions with market parties. We also held validation sessions with internal Rijkswaterstaat experts to sharpen our recommendations.

The results

The results and recommendations are summarized in the Reuse Strategy Recommendation report (Advies Strategie Hergebruik). We explained our advice to various directors, to walk them through what this involves in terms of their roles and responsibilities. The advice provides the basis for Rijkswaterstaat to take the next steps, the first of which is a strong focus on the reuse of girders.

I experienced the collaboration with Copper8 in this project as extremely valuable. Thanks to their insight and knowledge of our organization as well as the theme of reuse and market forces, they have been able to translate the complexity of the topic of reuse into clear and complete advice. Our organization received the advice very positively, and the recommendations have contributed to creating a good picture of what is needed to take reuse to the next level and have helped open the theme up for discussion. In addition, I see Copper8 as a good discussion partner, who I can talk to about anything with full trust and openness. They are always willing to brainstorm and work on an assignment with huge dedication until they feel it has reached the level of quality they aspire to. And that level is very high. Barbara Kuipers Reuse Coordinator

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